Package name | Weekly Downloads | Version | License | Updated |
@envelop/rate-limiter | Oct 27th, 2022 |
yarn add @envelop/rate-limiter
This plugins uses graphql-rate-limit
in order to limit the rate of calling queries and mutations.
Getting Started
yarn add @envelop/rate-limiter
Usage Example
import { parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe } from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine } from '@envelop/core'
import { useRateLimiter, IdentifyFn } from '@envelop/rate-limiter'
const identifyFn: IdentifyFn = async context => {
return context.request.ip
const getEnveloped = envelop({
plugins: [
useEngine({ parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe }),
// ... other plugins ...
By default, we assume that you have the GraphQL directive definition as part of your GraphQL schema (
directive @rateLimit(max: Int, window: String, message: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
Then, in your GraphQL schema SDL, you can add @rateLimit
directive to your fields, and the limiter will get called only while resolving that specific field:
type Query {
posts: [Post]! @rateLimit(
window: "5s", // time interval window for request limit quota
max: 10, // maximum requests allowed in time window
message: "Too many calls!" // quota reached error message
# unlimitedField: String
You can apply that directive to any GraphQL
definition, not only to root fields.
Error message interpolation
The message
argument of the @rateLimit
directive can be dynamic. You {{var}}
or {{ var }}
syntax to interpolate variables.
type Query {
posts: [Post]! @rateLimit(window: "5s", max: 10, message: "Too many calls made by {{ id }}")
The only available variable so far is
You can find more details here: h